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D.C. 高等法院副法官Marisa 杰里•迪米欧和Milton Lee, 两位申请法院首席法官职位的候选人, 与澳门赌场官网协会成员和公众会面 虚拟事件 on June 4 to discuss their backgrounds, motivations, and perspectives on leadership. The two judges are seeking to fill the vacancy that will be created when Chief Judge Anita Josey-Herring steps down from the bench in September.

杰里•迪米欧, 描述了她对公共服务的承诺, said she has “spent the last 30 years seeking opportunities w在这里 I could be a part of the process to create a fair society, 无论是通过在法庭上打官司, 游说立法机关, 向行政部门请愿, 或者担任法官.“在她的职业生涯中,杰里•迪米欧在不同的环境中担任过各种角色, 包括在美国民权司.S. Department of Justice, at the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, and at Georgetown University Law Center. She served as magistrate judge from 2007 to 2010 before being appointed associate judge of 高等法院.

“My interest in serving as chief judge is deeply rooted in my commitment to the community,德米奥说. “I’m interested in continuing to pursue my passion for serving the residents of the District, 法官也是如此, 管理员, 还有工作人员,这样我们就能实现法院向所有人开放的愿景, 人人信赖, 为所有人伸张正义.”

Lee’s credentials also reflect a long-standing dedication to serving the District. “如果你考察我的职业生涯, 我想你会看到的是对正义事业的真正承诺,他说. “A commitment to this courthouse, but also a commitment to the citizens of the District of Columbia. I have worked across the justice landscape to make sure that we are being consistent with our goals 在这里 in this courthouse, 以确保我们提供最高水平的服务.”

Lee’s legal career has taken him from the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia to Georgetown University Law Center and the former District of Columbia School of Law, 他在那里当了多年的教授, 到D.C. 高等法院 when he was appointed magistrate judge in 1998 and then associate judge in 2010. 他说:“这样一来,我在高等法院已经待了26年了。. “在那段时间里, 我曾担任听证委员, 地方法官, 还有一名副法官. 我处理过法院里几乎所有的任务, 在遗嘱执行部服务除外.”

“I’ve been incredibly fortunate to be able to work on some of the most demanding and complex cases that are presented to our court, but I’m also honored to serve a phenomenal number of judges who work incredibly hard with branch managers and staff 在这里 to make sure that we provide justice at really the highest levels,李补充道.
Both candidates described a court that has incorporated lessons learned over the pandemic to better serve the community and that struggles with staffing issues as a result of Senate delays in confirmation. They were also largely in agreement about the potential for an expansion in court-ordered mediation, saying that it could reduce caseload pressures in the courtroom and help parties reach a satisfactory resolution with a reduction in conflict and litigation expense.

When asked to describe how they would assess their performance after their first term as chief judge, Lee said he hopes that “when I get to four years … we have a full complement of judges.”

“我希望我们能以一种高效、公平的方式运作, 你们的期望达到了. But I also hope that the relationships that we have developed over my four years are so rock solid that they’ll continue, 无论问题是什么, 我们有一个联盟来解决这个问题,他补充道.

Lee also emphasized the importance of connecting with the community in a consistent way. “人们来到法院, 女士们先生们, 不是因为他们想这么做, 而是因为他们必须这么做. So, 我们需要走出舒适区, 走出去见见那些人, 让他们明白什么对我们来说是重要的, 但我们也需要了解对他们来说什么是重要的,李说. “We need to put in place processes that continue long after I am gone as chief judge that let us function at the highest possible level. 它不应依赖于首席法官或个别法官, but on a philosophy that I will instill in the courthouse that will outlive my service.”

杰里•迪米欧, on the other hand, said she would like to build on recent innovations at the D.C. 法院, such as the Committee on 公益性服务 and Affordable Counsel created by Chief Judge Josey-Herring and the Civil Legal Regulatory Reform Task Force of the District of Columbia 法院 established by D.C. 上诉法院首席法官安娜·布莱克本·瑞斯比.

杰里•迪米欧 pointed out that new critical positions have recently been created at the D.C. 法院, including that of pro bono program manager and director of the newly established Access to Justice Unit. “These are what I would call … seeds that have been planted that really create opportunities for the court to be more innovative so that, 最终, 和下一任首席法官一起, we can look back and have measurements w在这里 we could say we have made improvements in terms of how people access the court,德米奥说.

与两位首席法官候选人的对话是由D.C. 大澳门赌场官网社区办事处, 哥伦比亚特区事务社区, 早期职业澳门赌场官网协会(ECLC), 和阿纳科斯蒂亚协调委员会. Eric Tarosky, ECLC联合主席,柯克兰澳门赌场官网事务所助理 & Ellis LLP担任版主.

法官席成员, 酒吧, and public are invited to comment on the qualifications of Judges 杰里•迪米欧 and Lee through a 网络调查; by paper copy of the survey, found 在这里; or by letter to the D.C. 司法提名委员会.

Letters and hard copies should be sent to the commission by mail at 515 5th Street, NW, 235套房, 华盛顿, 或电邮至 (电子邮件保护). 提交评论的截止日期是6月20日(周四)下午5点.m.

欲了解更多信息,请联系该委员会执行主任特雷西. 请致电202-879- 0478或发电子邮件至 (电子邮件保护).




谭雅米. 琼斯·博西尔,朱迪思·派普宣誓就任副法官


6月21日.C. 高等法院又增加了两名法官, welcoming 谭雅米onique Jones Bosier and Judith Pipe as its newest associate judges. Jones Bosier and Pipe, 两人都曾是法院的治安法官, 由首席法官安妮塔·乔西·赫林宣誓就职.
